Thursday, October 13, 2011

People my Religion, my Brother my God!

Hello folks,

Aah, I know its been a while,.......but I need inspiration to write stuff!! And it seems that I always get inspired by something in the Fall season! So here comes entry #2 of my so called "blog" :).......

The title of this post is a little scary and/or weird right?? Actually it is not! The first part till the comma, is true for all and provably correct too! Being a nerd, I am going to prove this using recursion and the finite knowledge lemma!

The finite knowledge lemma:
"There is no person, which anyone knows of, having omniscience!"

Since the lemma is self-explanatory, I wont be elaborating on it, like a true mathematician, I guess! (Since you always find some things being left as an exercise to the reader in math texts, but in my defense this is really a simple exercise).

One fine morning, as I woke up from my bed, I asked myself one question, "Does God really exist ?" Aah, I should, at this moment, for the above question to make sense, remind you guys that I am still pursuing my MS!

So I answered it myself, "Yes, that is what your parents have taught you right?". Next question pops up, "Why have my parents taught me this?", an obvious answer, "We are Hindu and we have faith in our God! We believe in God!". At this time, my brain was clearly partitioned into two parts, some neurons formed a group, let us call them QS, since they were coming up with all the annoying questions, and the second group of neurons, who were diligently answering, let us call them ANS. Here is the remainder of their conversations,

QS: Hmmm, but why are your parents Hindu?
ANS: You idiot! Didn't your grandparents raise them as Hindu?

QS: I see, but why did they raise them as Hindu?
ANS: Arrgh! Coz your grandparents themselves were Hindu, right?

QS: Oh yeah, right! But recursing a bit further down your lineage, why were your grandparents Hindu?
ANS: Look dude! We both know, where this is going, what is your point anyway?

QS: My point is that we both DON'T know the base condition, right?
ANS: Yes of course, finite knowledge lemma applies here, so let's break out of this recursion!

"Huhh", I exclaimed, as my neurons became one whole group again! Do you see one very important point in the above conversation? Belief! That's the very word!

Religion is defined by oxford as,
The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or Gods.
But what does this definition subsume? Since subsume means contain, the question is what do the different religions have in common?

The answer that my whole set of neurons now concurs on is---
Belief in people!

Since looking at any dictionary, let it be Oxford or Merriam-Webster or any other dictionary you could find, you have to trust or believe in the people who wrote it!

For claiming that I am a Hindu, I have to believe in my parents that this is the right way to live and that they themselves are Hindu, agreed?

What if my great great great.....(till you imagine planet of the apes) grandparents were actually Christian! It is really stupid to say Christian, but whatever it is that they believed in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally their children, and their children's children, and their children's children's children.......till we come to planet of the humans that is now.........did one thing.........they all believed in apes back then, and people now!!!!

Hence, I say, "People are my religion", by which I mean, "I believe in people!"

Not believing in above statement has serious effectively trust only yourself......good in a way......but you must be willing to discover everything.....and I mean EVERYTHING (If you don't believe in gravity, wait for something to fall on you and then defend your claim that things are actually pushed down on earth rather than pulled by earth). This could be a tough claim to prove though! :)

You may say, "Ok, I get the point (in your mind you might even I did not know this already!)".
You may know it already.........but the point of this post is to stress on this, especially when I see that some people are so blinded by the so called "fact" that God exists and that religion is the single most important thing,   that they actually fight about religious issues and DON'T BELIEVE in each other.......which frankly seems a little ridiculous and funny to me!

If you have to believe in God (whichever your favorite one is, or may be all the Gods), you cannot do this without believing in people.

As a child with no information in my mind, "Used space: 0KB, Free space: 1GB", unfortunately the so called fact "God exists" was written by someone else. I did not discover God! I did not write this part in my 1GB storage space!

So as I end this post, I leave you with this question, "Did you write this piece of information to your mind on your own, or did you, as all do, BELIEVE IN YOUR PEOPLE?"

PS: The second part after the comma, deserves a whole different post! Hopefully I will write that up sometime soon!